Thursday, February 18, 2016


Love a night out with my kids.......Movie and dinner are always a treat.  Had Relief Society teachers this morning and off to lunch with Pam at noon......It was windy and cloudy and suddenly turned into a five the sun was shinning and the storm was over......UTAH WEATHER!!!!!
I was reading an article that made me think......Am I a Guilt Sponge up soaks up blame for anything that goes wrong in my life????  Why was I the only one to feel guilty when the kids were late to school or we ran out of toilet paper?  It seems guilt is the hardest emotion to deal with because it is so pervasive.   It is almost invisible, like smog.  We can always find something to feel guilty about if we don't begin our new diet today........if we throw away a pop can that could be recycled......if we think about all the cellulite we have built up, if we didn't call a sick friend or we miss church.  It seems the ultimate guilt is feeling guilty over feeling guilty......One woman said she felt guilty when she does the dishes, she felt she should be playing with the kids.......and when she played with the kids she felt guilty she wasn't getting her dishes done!......Can a woman ever win? 
Woman are trained in our culture to think they are responsible for other people's when anybody is unhappy.....we automatically think it is our fault....our unearned guilt flows from the "should" and "oughts" of everyday living.......I should clean the house, I should lose weight, I should visit a sick friend and on and on ......You just "should" all over yourself but all you end up needing is a bigger shovel! I continue my gratitude month......helps me not feel guilty......... I am greatful  for good dreams.....
I am greatful when I get something right the first time I do it.......
I am greatful when I have something fun to look forward to.......
The first day the weather is warm enough for sandals and white pants......
When I find a favorite movie on TV.........

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