Thursday, February 4, 2016

IN THE END........

          Elder Boyd Packer said;    "It was meant to be that life would be a challenge.  To suffer some anxiety, some depression, even some failure is normal......If you have a good, miserable day once in awhile......or several in a row......stand steady and face them.  Things will straighten out.  There is great purpose in our struggle in life."  The only thing that keeps me going is to hear all the struggles of my dear friends......and most are way more bad than mine.....we get together and compare and are able to laugh now then.....that is why it is so important to have good friends.  Sometimes families don't understand......but good friends always do.  
       COLD day......colored my hair and did not venture out today.  Talked to Sher and to Lucille and they are always such a comfort......will be venturing out tomorrow.....need some retail therapy.  Been a pretty quiet week.....Patty and Ruth were here for lunch Wednesday.......they have BIG problems compared to mine.   Had a great date with my darling son-in-law Tuesday......dinner and a movie.......thank you Robby!  Pam still in Idaho baby sitting friends children. 
      Well, seems I only get to my computer every two or three days......where does the time go?

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