Friday, February 12, 2016


Well, here we are with another weekend upon us......Not doing much today in way of accomplishments......the sun is shining and it is pretty outside......but I just can't seem to get with it.  Talked to Sherrie and Leslie and that always helps me through the day......Sherrie has been so sick with a virus, but said today was better.....but now Ken is getting it!
Pam in Idaho for the weekend......saw on face book they couldn't get Rob's truck to shut off for 1/2 hour, the house is leaking and the big dog had eaten some mice poisoning......sounds like her weekend has started off fun!
I saw an article about how woman are always comparing themselves to other woman????  Yes, that happens.  It seems women often feel that their appearance makes a presentation to the world, and they compare themselves to other woman who are also making presentations........We compare characteristics in ourselves to the random and enviable characteristics of any woman who crosses our path......then go on comparing our insides, our hidden faults and flaws......with other women's outsides.......face it, we can always find someone who is thinner, brighter, richer and more organized than we are.....comparing ourselves with others is disrespectful to ourselves......"Probably no habit chips away at our self-confidence quite so effectively as that of scanning the people around us to see how we compare."  As Billy Graham put it....."Since God made us to be originals, why stoop to be a copy?"
We woman have got to quit comparing ourselves with anyone else.......We need to measure ourselves on what we have done, what we are doing and what we can do.....Let what you do today compete with and surpass what you did yesterday.  ......just remember we are the best of the best,,,,,just the way we are.

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