Saturday, February 27, 2016


In one of those moods today......started out OK.....Patty called at 9:30 and had to escape her mad house and wanted to come for coffee.....I was not dressed, combed, barely had breakfast but COME!  She left and I showered and washed my hair and straightened the house up, even put a batch of laundry in.  Then decided to tackle my income tax......mistake.....can't find what I need, moving....selling a house.....buying a house etc......I don't know where to begin!!!! I have a feeling all the tax forms were not informed of my new address and who knows where they are?  wonder what would happen if I just ignored it this year????
        I was thinking....I am a know a senior teenager.  I never worried about income tax when I was a teenager.......I now have everything that, I wanted as  teenager.....only 60 years later.
I don't have to go to school or work.
I get an allowance every month and have my own pad.......and I don't have a curfew.
 I have a drivers license and own my own car.
The people I hang around with aren't scared of getting PG and they do not use drugs.....and I don't have acne.   Life really is great......only I have to pay income tax!!!!!  I think I need to check on some sanity-preserving tactics for todays woman?

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