Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Had a great day.......Sherrie and Ken brought me lunch and Pam came by to for a visit with us.......Love and miss seeing my girls and grandchildren.....but glad they are busy and happy!  Sherrie called and was cloud nine......they had 3 cars to drive to Vernal from the auction and Darren had to fly the airplane home.......sooooo Alex, Ken and Sherrie all climbed in one and took off and were in Roosevelt .....which is almost home......and Ken had done fine.  Now you have to know Ken and his problem with driving even the main road in Vernal has taken awhile to convince him he can do it.....so it was a huge leap he made today!!!!!
How can we all be the same.....but different?  But we are and I guess that is what makes the world go round.....My view is not the same as yours......but that is okay.  'To disagree, one doesn't have to be disagreeable"  (Barry Goldwater)
'No two persons ever read the same book" (Edmund Wilson)......that is so true, or see the same movie or witness the same car accident.......we all come from a different place and interpret things our way.......   Two people standing on the corner can witness the same accident and have two completely different versions of it.
"We all live under the same sky, but we don't have the same horizon."      (Konrad Adenauer}
"No two men are alike and both are happy for it"      (Morris Mandel)
"Some people march to a different drummer.....and some people polka."
Being different isn't a bad thing....in fact it is a very good thing.  Wouldn't life be boring if all 4 or 5 or whatever of your children were all exactly the same.....or every boy you ever went out with was exactly the same, or every teacher you ever had was the same etc.......even my identical twin girls are not the same......of which they are very happy for and I am too!
I have traveled a lot and I was always thankful when finally arriving at my destination after a long journey.....
I am always thankful when people enjoy the food I make......because cooking stresses me out......
I am always thankful when my favorite store has sales.......
I am always thankful when a public restroom is clean when I am forced to use one.......
I am thankful for my pet's excitement when I come home from somewhere........

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