Thursday, February 25, 2016


I figured this about covers everything you go through when you decided to be a Mother..........and then with the added duties of being a homemaker......only add to it.  Yes, I was a stay-at-home mom by choice and looking back over those years of raising three daughters....a single and a set of twins......I wouldn't change a day of  it..  I made it through and have three wonderful women with three great families, going through what I did .....or more.
'Here is a quiz;  What do you call the woman who does no child care but who cleans the house?  A cleaning woman.  What do you call the person who straightens the house and supervises the children?  A house keeper.  nd what do we call the woman who does child care but no housework?  A nanny......what do we call the one who does it all?  A nonworking mother."
When asked....."and what do you do?"  ......we usually respond that we are JUST mothers .....but if given a chance we could add;  That thaws hamburger in the dry cycle of the dishwasher, walks the dog, cleans the cat's litter box, plays cards with sick children and dress naked dolls or cuts out paper dolls or makes Christmas ornaments out of paper rings or popcorn.......and nurse a dead fern back to life! 
Combine the roles of cook, waitress, nurse, teacher, maid, chauffeur, psychologist, psychiatrist. doctor, and banker.....what do you get?  A mother!
With Mother's day coming up I wish my mother were still alive to thank her for the hundreds of wonderful things she taught me, did for me and put up with to raise me.....for those lucky enough to still have a mother......tell her thanks for not putting up for adoption in the teen years and still lovin' you.

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