Sunday, February 14, 2016


Well here we are kissing Christmas and New Year's 2016 good-by and wishing everyone Happy Valentine's Day.  Off to church this morning and the neighbors invited me to dinner in a couple of hours.  Talked to Sher, but been pretty quiet other wise.  I always liked Valentine's day when the girls were growing up.....making lists for school and fancy boxes to put your Valentines in......miss those days.
But I was sometimes......I use to be the mother of 3 girls, but now days at 73 I seem to have 3 mothers!
'Your almost 74 Mother .....your too old to be gallivanting around all over the place....."
"Wake me up when you come home because you know I can't sleep a wink until you're home?"
'If you don't start coming home at an earlier hour.....I'm going to ground you."
"Don't wear makes you look old".....Duh
'Is your cell phone turned up as loud as it can never answer it".....Thing is my cell phone is usually dead, left home or face it ......I'm getting a little deaf.
I guess it is just that time in life....."when what goes round comes round."  It really is nice to know someone cares about you.......and they probably heard most of that from me when they were young.

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