Friday, February 19, 2016


I guess being the oldest of five siblings......I was always expected to be set an example for the four younger children to follow????  It was hard sometimes and probably went to my head when I was young.....but Oh if they could see me now!  I am far from being a perfectionist.....I would love to be the kind of woman who can wear a white sweater to lunch without spilling on it......who always has good hair days......and who never walked out of a restroom without toilet paper trailing from her shoe......but I am not!  If only everything in your life could be perfect but the bathroom scales?  I think at one time I really aimed for this......but all it got me was tired....and old.  I wanted perfect children and when they sat on Santa's lap I wanted them to say things like...."All I want for Christmas is world peace?"  I don't remember for sure when I stepped off the perfection treadmill but today my battle cry is ......"It's good enough!"  I really like the idea of good's a good enough dinner or the house is clean enough....we can benefit by doing lots of things "good enough."
I just give myself credit for what I have accomplished....I am who I am.....not what I do.  Ironing for instance is just for women who get nervous about wrinkles.....I say "If Betty Crocker doesn't make it.....neither do I."
Every plant in my house has had several near-death experiences.....I forget. Once you get past perfection you can scotch tape a unraveled hem.......smash store-bought brownies so they look homemade......hide dishes in the oven when someone knocks.....send borderline flu cases to school....chop down a tree instead of canning the apples products that say "taste home made."    Oh I could go on, but you get the idea for just facing the fact that:......'IT IS WHAT IT IS!".....and I am happy not being perfect.

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