Monday, February 22, 2016


As my 74th birthday is just a breath away.......I think I have found a new friend......someone I can relate to.....someone who thinks like I do!!!! MAXINE!  Being single and lonely is a condition shared by many my age......although you may prefer to be with others......being alone can over come you only if you let it.  Being single means a woman is capable of taking care of herself and coping on her own......When you first come out of marriage....(mine after 30 years).... you seem to feel your a severed half and have to work to become a complete person again.....can take up to five years! Think about the significant advantages of being single.......You can talk to yourself as much as you want......your cat or dog can sleep in your bed with you......You can bring home Sara Lee cake for two and each both portions......or drink a glass of wine and eat a bag of potato chips in bed while you watch.....what YOU want!  You learn to live in your todays instead of playing the old tune.....I'll be happy when.....all the whens are yours now!  So you have to get your own income tax ready each year, have the oil checked in your car and the tires rotated, balance your checkbook, buy mouse traps and spider spray, learn how to work the TV and Computer, change the furnace filters, pound nails, use the drill....bag the glue gun and I could go on and on with the little things some woman use their husbands for......BUT we know how to do it!  I do not like that song "Sleeping Single in a Double Bed".......though!
Pretty quiet day.....did go to Costco and fill up with their cheep gas and hem my neighbor's temple dress so not a complete loss.

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