Wednesday, September 30, 2015


WOW.......First I complain about there not being enough hours in a day and now I think they should add another day to the week!  Here I am with my latest new great-granddog .....Lady.   Andrea has been married a month and they already have a new puppy!......and she is now days can't wait 9 months to get a baby......they just get a dog!
Saw Ann Romney's book about "Being a Mom was my Job!"......Yes, after I got married and had a daughter I felt being a Mom was my job!!!!   but my airline pilot husband, never really go that.......He treated me as if I was hardly earning my room and board....I admit I only had one child for 11 years but I kept up the house, yard, family connections, 36 I had a set of twins and I focused the next 18 years on getting them raised with the help of my wonderful 11 year old daughter.......My husband was either in a Western Air Line Plane or a National Guard plane somewhere in the world....."getting his hours in"......Yes, Ann Romney.....I too was a stay at home Mom!  But I didn't have the kind of husband that backed me  through it.  He walked out when the twins were 18 for a younger woman and now he is paying for it......'YOU KNOW HOW CHOICES AND CONSEQUENCES WORK?"
Funny coincidence.......'Mr Wonderful'.......Had a pace maker put in last week.....well, the wonderful wife came up for it but after 4 days called Pam and told her she was going back to LA and she should check on him.......Sherrie and I did on Sunday and Monday and Pam was to take over Tuesday and try and get Karrie to help.......Well, I am not sure what is going on as he does not feel like going to LA with her and it looks like she is tired of tending "old sick people" after her father and then her mother who just died at 104 last January.....I hope she is happy she broke up our home and is stuck with him......I have thoroughly enjoyed my last 29 years of freedom and do not have an old sick person to tend!!!!!!
My sweet cousin Lucille and her husband came to see my new house today and I made them lunch, then my best friend Patty dropped by for coffee,,,,,,been a busy few days.

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