Friday, September 11, 2015

NICCI'S HERE........

Yea.....Nicci and Bill are in town......only they weren't dressed like this!  They came in last night for a busy weekend.  Tonight it was tailgating and the U of U football game, tomorrow a marathon run down the canyon and home Sunday.  They did squeeze grammie in this morning to see my new house and give me some good hugs and we will do brunch Sunday at Pam's before they take off for home.   Have an early birthday for Nicci.....she will be 30 the 2nd of Oct.   Honestly, she is the cutest bubbly and Bill is so quiet.  Then beings I am sitting home Roland.......the property manager......came by to check my squeaky floor and cabinets that were in need of some help....Promised to send the carpet people and the cabinet people around next week and while I had him here.......I propositioned him.......if you will put in two more window grates I will forget you plugged into my electricity for 71 days to water the lawn.....HE SAID HE WOULD PUT THE GRATES IN MONDAY FOR ME!!!!!  Oh, the power of a woman!!!!
Then Patty called and said is the coffee pot on?.........I love having her drop in......... which is a couple of times a week......when she can't stand her house full any longer.....She left in time for me to watch Dr. Phil and the news and now I am about ready for bed!    GOOD DAY.

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