Sunday, September 13, 2015


If you don't go to church because it's full of hypocrites.....Remember that the church is a hospital for sinners and not a museum of Saints!
If you left church to get away from hypocritical people, you should also quit your job, drop out of school, disconnect yourself from all your friends and family, lock yourself in your room while your at it......There will be flaws wherever there are humans.  We need to start seeing church for what it is; it is a hospital for the wounded and hurt people.  You will find messed up, conniving, calculating, imperfect individuals, including yourself .....As much as you want to deny it we all go for healing.  So if you felt betrayed by a fellow church member, put your nursing cap on and think of them as your patients......treat them with care, love and kindness despite their rudeness.
That little essay hit home for me.....I have started going to church again after a long time of staying away.....but now I really feel the need and have the desire to try and heal several things in my life......and yes we go to church for help from God.....not always the other people who go.  I have missed church the past two weeks, one week out of town and the other my granddaughter was here for the weekend.....but I will be looking forward to going next Sunday again.
Nicci and Bill here for the weekend......came in Thursday night late.  Friday came by to see my house and were doing tail gateing and the U football game that night.  They ran the 1/2 marathon....13.6 miles down the canyon and I went down to watch them come in.  That night a family party.  Sunday morning a fun birthday brunch for Nicci......turning 30.......and we all went over to see the house William just bought.....I think he is starting to grow up.  Patty came by.  The sweet neighbors called to invite me over for pizza tonight....but it was 8:00 and I was already in my P.J's........and time marches on!

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