Saturday, September 26, 2015

HOPE....... family tree seems to be losing a few of it's branches......but it's too late in my life to plant another one! the little voice you hear whisper "Maybe".....when it seems the entire world is saying "NO".....  Don't know where the past few days have slipped away to but for some reason......there just were not any fun thoughts for me to write about......maybe to much social life.   Patty and Ruth over for lunch Thursday and the Dominos group at Shirley's on Friday......just wiped out.  Good news Sherrie called and wanted to stay a couple of nights to look in on Don.....Tony has to go to LA to tend her mamma's old sick dog and leave her old sick husband......he does not feel like traveling with her and the girls are worried about him........I haven't seen her for a month..
Lisa Beltz came over and hooked up my new phones and the new DVD player for me today.......I am adopting that family to be mine as they are willing to come help me when I need something done.  I hope my sister got home safely today from her cruise......I have really missed talking to her all week......hope to run down and see her in a couple of weeks.   And tomorrow is church day already......enjoyed seeing Pope Francis , such a wonderful man....... on TV all week.

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