Sunday, September 20, 2015


This beautiful family don't realize the changes that will come into their family with the wedding of their only daughter.....Annie!  She now belongs to Matt, she will not be around as much or need them and will be moving on making a new life.....which they have been working toward for the last 20 years......but are they ready for it?  Richard is home from his two years mission and living with friends and going to college......not around much and not under their control anymore......which they have been working for .....for the last almost 22 years......but are they ready to let go of these two????   They still have 14 year old Scottie at home but in a blink he will be off on a mission and they will have an empty nest.......READY OR NOT......that is how life works......I hope they are ready for these changes.
But while change is inevitable, it's also "SURVIVABLE" fact, you can transform life's not-so-fun "SURPRISES"..... into bold "NEW BEGINNINGS"!
If you never had a change in your life.....just day after day of the same ol' same ol' would never have a chance to grow.....We would miss out on the essential point of being alive which is to experience experiences and feel feelings.  Feel the loss and not fight the grief.
This is my third granddaughter.....Andrea Rachelle Cook/Fritzche.........isn't she beautiful????

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