Monday, September 7, 2015


Nothing better than family to make your holidays great!....Early Friday Rob and Pam picked me up and we headed for their cabin in Island Park by West Yelllowstone.......Pam and I and the dogs hung out while Rob picked up a new truck.  Went down and had a fun dinner and met all Rob's fishing buddies.....Tiff, Scott and Aaron drove in very late to spend the weekend with us.  Saturday we took a driving trip up to Montana and visited two cute little towns.....First Ennis, a great fishing spot and on up to Virginia City which is a very well preserved old mining town......wooden sidewalks, many walk ins of the original little shops along the street, saloons, food places etc.   Could have spent a week there.....Did some shopping and had lunch and took this picture of the four generations in our family.....Me, Pam, Tiff and Aaron.  Life just gets better the longer you live!  Sunday the Hortons went golfing, Rob fishing and Pam and I tended Aaron. After a good dinner watched a movie, the kids hot tubed. Then the four day weekend ended and we drove home this afternoon.  So nice to spend time with my darling great-grandson.

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