Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I WISH........

MY MOM AND you ever wish you could go back say 70 years in your life for a day or two.  These are the two people who are responsible for where I am and who I am......more or less!  They were there for me from day one and every day after that until they died.....I knew they loved me, backed me and were proud of me......and all I wanted was to be like them and be loved by them......and have them be proud of me.  I was the oldest of five siblings and always seemed to have to be the perfect example for them.......and I am sure many times they got tired of hearing "Betty Ree didn't do that"!  Mom.....Hazel Marie Goff/Yeomans and Dad......Richard H. Yeomans (Dick) were the best of the best of parents, not only to their five children.......but the other half dozen kids that called them mom and lots of cousins that were always there.  As I look at my family and the three girls I raised......almost alone......I feel such a failure!!!!  At this time in my life when I need all their love and support I have one child that has walked away from the family.....hopefully she will return to the fold before I die!.......As the little saying on my fireplace says....."REMEMBER.....AS FAR AS ANYONE KNOWS......WE ARE A NICE RESPECTABLE FAMILY!"  Love you Mom and Dad.....

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