Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Well......I am learning to never say NEVER......just when I thought I was though with traveling ......the last two months I found myself spending a week in Lake Powell and this last weekend was a fun long weekend in Island Park, Idaho.  My favorite thing in life is seeing and doing something new......like trying a Moscow Mule.......(not as good as the Duck Fart I had in Alaska)......and getting to visit Virginia City in Montana.
"This very much alive ghost town, Virginia City, Montana.......is frozen in time.  It is a remarkably well-preserved Old West Victorian gold mining town just 50 miles west of Yellowstone National Park.  When the gold ran out, there was still enough left so that homes and businesses were occupied, but there was not enough wealth to remodel the buildings.  So it froze, and now represents the whole Victorian era.  Virginia City is the true and original Old West.  It is a gem, held within an incredibly rich area of natural beauty, recreation and history." 
This place has "stay and play".......written all over it.   We had lunch and shopped a bit.......and it is just another fun first to add to my list of...."been there, done that's" 
I even found a new boy friend in Virginia City!!!!!

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