Tuesday, July 10, 2012


This is the same group that traveled to Alaska....plus William....this is in Indiana for Nicci's graduation.
Just back from a wonderful cruise to Alaska.  My fourth cruise this year and I am cruised out!  Home sweet Home with Gigi and Arnold, my gold fish.  A pile of dirty clothes, a pile of mail to sort through and 93 emails to check out.  It will probably take me a week to unpack and put things away and GET RESTED! I had quite a few "firsts" on this trip.  First Major League Baseball game.....Boston and Seattle.  We sang 'Take Me Out To The Ballgame", and ate hotdogs.  I even bought a Boston shirt to fit in with the group.  I spent the Fourth of July bundled in a blanket watching Ice Bergs float by and then come home to 103 degree weather here today.  First suspension bridge I ever walked across.  In Ketchikan I took in a logging show and we went to a Totem Pole and Lodge village.  In Juneau I did a harbor cruise and had fun shopping. In Skagway we had breakfast in a "Bodero" in the Red Onion Saloon and a long ride into Canada and walked over the suspension bridge.  I didn't get off in Victoria, Canada. Any time you can spend a week with your grandchildren, it is a good week......Can someone help me put up my "DUNNROVIN" sign? ? ?

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