Friday, July 20, 2012


Talk about a dark night.....Last night we went to the 9:30 preview of "The Dark Knight Rises".  It was a fund raiser for my granddaughter's cheer-leading group. It was a packed theater. While we were quietly and silently engrossed in all the shooting and battling.....500 miles from Salt Lake in Aurora, Colorado a similar group had gathered for a late preview of the same movie....another packed theater,only into the movie, a gunman entered the theater and started shooting for real, killing 12 and wounding 38.  Today is a very dark day all over the U.S. Are our children safe any place any more?
What interesting times we live in.  We have lived to see the fall of our republic; money and corruption in politics, suppression of voting rights, endless wars, the rise of OLIGARCHS....(oligarchy is a form of government in which the power is vested in a few, or a state of governed; also those who form the ruling few!)  I guess if you live long enough your not surprised by what happens in our crazy world.

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