Friday, July 27, 2012


As I count off the days of my life, I feel I have hit another mile stone, another Olympics!  You always hope you get to see another one, but every four years can see a lot of changes in your life.....especially in your later years.  It would be fun to be in London, but I think I can enjoy the events just as well from my front row recliner in the family room. I plan to enjoy the next two weeks close to the TV.
It is a great feeling to know I am in charge of me!  It's true that there are some things we can't control.  But there is so much we can....From your attitude and actions to your decisions and your dreams, you have the power to shape your today and tomorrow.  Your life is in your hands.  Make it great! Great weekend tending Marley and Izzie and coffee with Cleon.

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