Saturday, July 28, 2012

I BELIEVE.......

I am sure you have all raised your children on nursery rhymes.  You thought their message was good for us.....maybe we got another message from them....."I believe that each of us has an essence, a quality at the very core of our being that makes us who we are.  It's what guides our thoughts, our feelings, our tastes.  It's what sets us apart from everyone else.  I believe that finding ways to express that essence is one of the greatest joys in life."  26 years ago I stepped out and started traveling, volunteering, knitting, reading, painting, baby-sitting etc. looking for my real essence!   I am still looking. Do you ever find it?  Trying to find the secret of my success isn't easy.  Am I visually curious?  I am not fascinated by art or aesthetic, love to take snapshots and create photo albums so I am not visually curious.  Do I learn best through trial and error or curious about how things work....not really so I guess I am not physically curious.....Do I tend to be interested in history and politics or like learning about psychology....not really so I guess I am not intellectually I love to travel to new places, Enjoy trying exotic foods and cuisine and intrigued by different cultures....YES, so I guess I am perceptually curious!  Good to know where you fit in in this life and I still love nursery rhymes.

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