Sunday, July 22, 2012


This is me being very happy!  I have new stairs an stair case on my patio. They were not really safe, but I thought they could be mended, but they were beyond that.....soooo after one estimate of $1,000.00 my sweet Cook family stepped up and tore into them and it took a weekend, but the redwood now matches the railing and they will last me as long as I need them.  The lumber was $173.50 and we celebrated by dinner at the the steak house.  Saved me a lot of money.  It really makes you proud when you have good kids that love you.  Seems you just get one problem solved and two more pop up.  Now I can't get my safe to least everything in it are safe!  Tackle that problem tomorrow and need to lock down my tvs with a password.....which is just one more thing to remember.  But this to will pass.  Nice quiet Sunday.

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