Thursday, July 19, 2012


"To find yourself.....think for yourself.
To face my problems I have to see myself as part of the never-ending cycle of change in the universe.  Everything in the universe is continuously integrating and disintegrating-this produces transformation and growth.  My problems are caused by my resistance towards this natural cyclic movement of life. The universe is in charge....I realize my problems are an opportunity for learning and creating something new, and I will feel a sense of well-being that results from my shift in consciousness. I know that I am only presented with lessons when I am ready to learn them....I will trust my own direction. I know I have the confidence to follow my path and surrender to the inner intuitive voice that recognises the harmony and wholeness that has always been there.
"Life is the movie you see through your own eyes. It makes little difference what's happening out there.  It's how you take it that counts."  Two people can see the same car accident and each tell a completely different version of what's how they see it......not right or just is.

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