Sunday, July 15, 2012


I really didn't show up at the cooks for dinner dressed like this....we were adjusting my blog page and this picture just happened to be what I put up....That is the real me.....or was many years ago???? I went over to the Cooks for dinner and took my computer as they are great to get me out of my messes.  Tiffany had ask me to drop my Alaska pictures in the "drop box" which I had never heard of and they got me signed up and my pictures inserted....I know Tiff will be really proud of me as she was my original tutor.....I am learning more new things every day. They are very concerned on helping find someone to put new steps down my first estimate was for $1,000.00.....I am not stupid, I will never recommend that guy to any one. Eight steps, I could put in an elevator for that much.....almost!  More estimates this week.

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