Friday, April 20, 2012


"Don't be sad it's ended, just be happy it happened!"
Well the big day has come and gone and it seems I have been celebrating my birthday since our cruise in February, but why not?  Just to have lived 80 years and still have your mind and health is such a blessing.....THANK YOU GOD.  I went to the funeral of Warren Lyngle in the afternoon and he was only 78......he will never have a 80th birthday. last night the Cooks took me to the Tuscany for dinner and I ordered 'THE PORK CHOP'......well I have never seen such a big pork chop and it was absolutely delicious ,look at it!  They brought out a complimentary piece of chocolate cake and ice cream that feed all three of us and Rich brought me flowers.  A very spoiled Mom.  Today I am frantically getting ready to leave tomorrow for a week in Cancun with the Christensons and it is Kennedy's birthday.....more birthday celebrations.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

WOW......I MADE IT TO 80......

Well can you believe I made it 80 years through thick and thin.   I have had a wonderful life.  I had wonderful parents, siblings and childhood.  Looking back I loved all my adventures.  After graduating from high school, I spent two different summers working at Mesa Verde National Park and Estes Park, then two years at BYU and a year working in Denver at Burkhardt Steel CO. Then my dream came true and I became a stewardess for two and a half years before getting married.  I was married 30 years and had three wonderful daughters. A perfect family that did a lot of traveling.  When the last two were 18 and just graduating from high school, my husband walked out.......maybe a couple of years of up hill stuff....but know things happen for a reason......just believe it was meant to be.  Then my life took off again on a new chapter.  Went back to college, started traveling, became a Concierge at the Double Tree Hotel for five years and had two more weddings and added seven more grandchildren.....Life is good!  As of today I AM WELL, still traveling, have some very good friends and the greatest family in the world.  Gotta go pack for a week in Cancun, Mexico in a couple of days and looking forward to a cruise in June to Alaska......Thank you all for your happy birthday wishes.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I have always loved guys in a uniform, is that way I love this guy.....Richie?  I don't think so......I love him because of his charisma.  He is cute, smart, fun and it is fun watching him grow up.  He is 18 and graduating from high school in June.  Off to the University and then an LDS Mission and then who knows.  My oldest grandson is 21.  William is big, fun and always ready to party.  He is finishing his second year at the University and works at the POLO store at the outlets.  My third grandson is 19 and leaves on a LDS Mission to Brazil in a week......from day one he has had a quiet, shy sort of charisma that draws you to him.  My fourth grandson Brayden is 16.  He has always been fascinated by wiring, electricity and inventing things.  He wants to be a helicopter pilot.  My two youngest grandsons are yet to decide their direction in life but I will love watching them grow and develop.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Is this a step-up from the bicycle and skate board......called a Razor?  This is Alex my new missionary in his brand new suit and tie and next to him is his cousin Rich who will be off on his mission right after Christmas..... they are off to church.  Alex is going to Brazil and learn Portugese.  Where will Rich be called to?  Oh where have those days of "come wipe me"......"i need a drink"......"i don't want a bath"....."playing with their match book cars in every dirt pile they could find".
"Don't Be Sad It's Ended.......Be Happy That it Happened!"
I am so proud of how my grandsons are turning out and hope I have been a good influence on them.
Bonnie Lyngle's husband Warren died sad for her.


What a beautiful day for me.  Everyone was in Vernal, Utah for Alex's Missionary Farewell.  Not since Tif'fany's wedding had it been such a nice day.  William had to work and Nicci lives in Minnesota but they were the only MIA of the the children's father came and we were all very congenial.....kinda a first.  Kinda a real family again....or NOT!  I rode out with the Cook's and The Panniers and Hortons rode out together.  It was fun having the three daughters, three son-in-laws and seven of my nine grandchildren gathered round and all speaking and having a good time.....even good to see my X-husband support the missionary.  Darren's mom and dad and his two brothers with family were there, Just a good day.  Sher had cooked up a storm and had her huge new table covered with food.  Her family were more than happy to sneak out of church early and get things going.  The brother-in-laws and Scott keep the hamburgers and hot dogs coming.  When everyone works together with love what a good feeling.  Many good friends, neighbors and church people also enjoyed the day.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


"Accept----then act whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.  Always work with it, not against it----This will miraculously transform your whole life."  Eckhart Tolle
Here is Alex with his mom and grandfather when he graduated from High School in June.....tomorrow we all will assemble again for his missionary farewell, two years in Brazil.  I have avoided the thought since he told me and I cried and probably will again tomorrow, even though I am thrilled and very proud of him for his decision, it hasn't been easy.  He is such a special boy and he has been so good to this grandma.  I keep going over what advice can I give him,  can't come up with anything so my note to him is: 
To My Missionary Alex---
You are a child of God, Walk Tall, Be Proud, Rise above the ordinary and Never, Never be satisfied with less than the best that's in you.  I love you and stay safe....Gram
Sottie is spending the night with me and I will ride to Vernal tomorrow for the farewell with his family.  I have never had the experience of any of my family going on a mission, this is my first.  My brother didn't go, I only had girls, none of my X's family's boys went that I was ever involved with.  Five of my cousins six children went, all three of my sister's boys and her grandson went....I must be brave like they were!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


ousHappy Birthday SHERRIE and KARRIE.  I still can't believe I was lucky enough to have twins.  Belonging to the 'Mothers of Twin' clubs a very exclusive club where God picks the members has been so much fun.  They are great people and lots of fun to be with.  They treat their mother so wonderful.  After 44 years they still love each other and are each others best friends.  Today three little old lady friends and I had quite an adventure.  We decided to check out the new City Creek Mall that is the talk of the town. After three trips around the block we finally followed some guy who knew where he was going, into the underground parking lot. The place was packed and no parking spot until Shirley decided to use her handicap tag......and bingo a spot right by the elevator. Next problem how to get up to the food court????  To  add to the fun it was pouring a map of the place and headed in that direction.  Big place and four people had their own idea.  Circled the court and Bonnie wanted to go up stairs to Kneaders......packed, no empty tables so then she decided we needed to head to the Cheese Cake Factory.....That meant out in the rain and try and   locate it, thankgoodness it wasn't too far.  By now I was so hungry I would have settled for a cardboard box with catsup on it. The goodnews over there as we push our way in out of the rain was a half hour or more wait......NO, Back out in the rain to the food court as we went our separate ways to find something to eat and find an empty table. By the time lunch was over we were too tired to do much shopping.  Loved the fountains and the streams and can imagine how wonderful it will be on a nice day with the top open........The stores are fun but you can only handle so many.  NO one bought anything and we remembered where we parked which was the miracle of the day.  Pretty dangerous to turn four little old ladys lose like  that.  Lucille came over with my birthday present and I gave her hers.  We didn't get our Christmas prrsents delivered so gave them to each other for our birthdays....Christmas wrapping and all......Tonight is the Spegetti Factory for a birthday dinner for Karrie with her family.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Forty-Four years ago at this time I was as big as a house and as miserable as I have ever been in my life......but it was all well worth it as my twins will be 44 tomorrow.  They were a month early, Sherrie 6 minutes older than  Karrie weighted 3lbs 13 oz Karrie weighted 4 lb 5 oz. Pam was 11 and all she wanted was a little sister she named Karrie.  'Be careful what you wish for you might get it'! As I look back over the past 44 years old I think of the stages a child goes through.....all children.  At 6 years "Mommy I love you."......At 10 years "Mom, whatever."......At 16 years "My Mom is so annoying."......At 18 years "I wanna leave this house."......At 25 years "Mom, you were right.".......At 30 years "I wanna go to my Mom's house."......At 50 yeas "I don't wanna lose my Mom"......At 70 years "I would give anything for my Mom to be here with me." ......As I turn 80 a week after they were born I wonder what my girls are saying about their Mom???
All I can say is "You are living your story"......Spent the last two days at doctor's offices.  Good news from both doctors.
Sad day in the obituaries today was a very dear friend from one of my bridge clubs.....Gloria Morrison.  She had cancer and went so fast, she was truly a fun friend and I will miss her.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Happy Easter wasn't this year!  In the middle of the night I was attacked by miserable stomach cramps which ruined my whole day.  I couldn't 't even keep a cup of tea down......finally I coached myself into sipping 7 up and made it through the day.....I was so disappointed as it was a beautiful day and I been invited to Karrie's for dinner and an Easter egg hunt.  One of my favorite meals, ham, deviled eggs and funeral potatoes.Richie came by early, just as I was throwing up, with a beautiful pearl pin and a dark pearl set of necklace, bracelet and earrings.  This was definitely the bright spot of my "sick" day.He had brought them back from the Philippines for me.  Karrie brought over some ham, potatoes and rolls and they are waiting for me in the is still 7 up and milk toast.I have a very long list of "to dos" but think I will take the rest of the day off to just get aback on my feet. Hope everyone else had a nice Easter Day.......

Saturday, April 7, 2012


This cute little boy is now 18 and after not shaving for two weeks got off the airplane from the Philippines last night with a mustache and beard....oh no.....he is so grown up!  Rich got home from the 2 week work trip with YMAD (youth make a difference) last night with 30 some other boys and girls.  As I read their blogs home to their families the past two weeks, my heart was filled with hope.....they could not understand how there could be such happy, loving, giving children, smart and eager to learn and share, who have practically nothing compared to their lives in this world.  What a wonderful experience.  Simple home lives, simple food always giving and helping others.  Some of the brave girls wrote of holding big banana spiders and how the big sport was to get two and watch them duel it out till their death!!!  They were very tired after the long plane ride home and happy to step off into the loving arms of their families. As they are whisked back into their world of fast food, google,Cell phones, texting, YouTube, Twitter, Face book and "I" everything you can imagine......their real world.  How I wish every child could have the opportunity to visit these different places around the world.  Hopefully it helps the kids to appreciate home and their lives a little more and realize how lucky they were to be born in the good old USA.
I had another grandson, Brayden, who went to Ghana and built desks for  a new school.  He saw the poverty, frugal living of those people who were very happy and appreciative of all his group was doing.
As I am about to add another year to my life I am trying to fit into this busy world of computers, kindles, cell phones and texting, digital cameras, skype, face book, pintrest, blogs and emails.  I just say thank you, to my three daughters who are raising my nine grandchildren to be such wonderful people.  I am a proud grandma............

Friday, April 6, 2012


Another Holiday weekend looms ahead!  These are the only times I feel lonely.  Every person eventually faces the inevitable fact that one day they may be alone........For me, due to divorce, children growing up and moving out and retired, I have faced this for quite some time.  Many of my friends, both male and female are also witnessing this in their later lives. Those of us who have children.....that care.....are the lucky ones.  I have some friends whose children have almost abandoned them.  This is Easter weekend, they were always so fun and exciting growing up.  My mother always sewed my sisters and I a new Easter dress, and I have made more new Easter dresses for my three daughters than I can count......and loved every minute of it.  Church was a must, so you had somewhere to show it off, along with the Easter baskets, deviled egg and a wonderful ham dinner. I won't be lonely this holiday because I will be with Karrie's family for a good dinner and a lot of love......and best of all Richie will be home with us.  No, I don't have a new Easter dress, but somehow that is not important any more.  Sherrie's family is in Phoenix for spring break and Easter, Pam is in California.  I have learned to live alone and do enjoy the quiet and my roommate...Gigi. I am comforted by the thought: "Through faith in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, you are not alone."  These words have a new and profound meaning deep in my heart today and I know without a doubt that I am never alone. Happy Good Friday!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Me............ somehow I am slowly learning to move pictures around.......This is me, Betty Ree somehow it is so comforting to go back to the real me, the nice person I was growing up and that I was always proud to be known as.  Betty Ree Yeomans.....Where did that me go? The little girl that started out in the little girl body, innocent, trusting, fun, happy. Soon I moved into the teenage body, that knew it all, was very social and very confident, that the big world was out there waiting for me to conquer it.  I was still innocent, trusting, fun and happy and this carried on into the young woman who went off to college and became a stewardess.  Then enter the body of a wife and mother, when I began to doubt myself a little, definitely not innocent,or and happiness was an on and off thing.  I still liked myself and the firm foundation of self-esteem my parents instilled in me was down there somewhere......but a day by day battle to hang on to it.  I never quite trying to be the best of the best as a daughter, wife, mother, friend and later a grandmother.  Today weeks away from my 80th birthday I am still trying to be the best of the best when it comes to being a good person. Now that I am in my grandmother's body with the aches and pains, living through many heartaches of losing my marriage, my parents and two sissters and the love and respect of all my children I realize yes, I am still the ME that was born and sent to earth to fulfil my life in the very best way I can.......


So wonderful to have pictures to document the great times in your life with the people you love and  the fun places you have been.  This picture of Scottie at the Zoo a couple of days ago will always make me smile.  The next day I picked him up and we went to a movie, made a stop at McDonalds for some lunch, came home and got out the box of games, which he is very good at and had a sleep over.  I cherish these times knowing that at 10 these kind of occasions are numbered as they are with the 8 other grandchildren.  They grow up (which is part of life) and friends and social life doesn't leave much time for I am taking advantage of my still being important in Scottie's life.  Tomorrow his big brother Rich will be home from two weeks in the Philippines with the YMAD group.  From his blogs home it was a wonderful experience and I can hardly wait to see him and hear all about it. Off with my little travel group for lunch and dominos at Nancys.....I won't get much done today.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Ahhhh, I guess the child in me will always love going to the Zoo..........It is spring break for my grandchildren and so my youngest (a real spark plug), yes, the same one that called me early yesterday and got me with an April fool joke, wanted to know if wanted to go to the zoo with him, his sister and mom?  I didn't have to think about it very long and said yes.  It has been quite a few years since I had been there and what a happy surprise to see all the new things being added and enlarged.  Enjoyed the animals, rode the train and merry-go-round and of course had a little lunch.  Then we ran up to 'This is the Place Monument" and the statues of the early mail riders to take Scotties' picture for a report he has to write.  He is related to them on the Cook side. Our family would be pretty dull without Scott and all his energy. I was checking as to what the spark plug does....."A spark plug fits into the cylinder of a gasoline-powered internal-combustion engine and produces the electric spark tht ignites the mixture of gasoline and air.  A spark plug is quite literally the spark that ignites the fuel that makes the piston go up and down.......and that makes the car go down the road......" Well, that pretty much sums up my happy, busy, energetic and very smart 10 year old grandson.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Well, my youngest grandson got me good this morning!  I was all ready to grab my purse and coat and head out to go with them to get at new puppy!  He told me his dad said they could go buy a new puppy and did I want to go......I know that family and how they are with dogs so this did not seem strange......APRIL FOOL GRAMMY!  The weather man did his April Fool thing too, yesterday eighty degrees and this morning it is snowing and about 45-50 degrees.  First of the month always means time to make out your bills, and jump into another month.  Good advice is to live in the present. Someone said there are two days about which we should not worry.  One of these days is yesterday with its mistakes and cares. Yesterday has passed and is forever beyond our control.  Yesterday is gone.
The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow, with all its possible burdens and adversities.  Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.  The sun will rise, either in splender or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise. This leaves only one day----today.  Surely one can bear the burdens of just one day.  It is only when we add remorse or bitterness for things that happened yesterday along with the dread of what my happen tomorrow that the weight becomes more than we can bear. Mark Twain said; "I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened." Worry is the interest we pay on the trouble we borrow!