Thursday, December 30, 2010


"My Once Upon A Time Stories" I have discovered, are really my "Here And Now" stories.
Have you ever had a "Do Nothing Day?" You read the paper, catch up on the pile of magazines your behind in or play solitaire on the computer for hours........maybe talk on the phone or take a nap!
My generation and even my children's generation were brought up to think that doing nothing with your time was a sin. You would grow up and be a "No gooder". Now days most kids don't have those feelings. A good work ethnic is instilled in young children and passed on to their children some day. But, now in my advanced years I find doing nothing once in awhile is what I need. Of course, if I did that every day....heaven forbid, I'd weight a ton, be a real slob and probably turn to drink out of boredom. So I am just searching for the middle of the road and not worry about it.
Every year at this time I start thinking about my next New Years Resolution.....You know go on a diet, clean bathrooms and dust more often. Maybe start going to church. But face it, at my age I'm not really going to change. So to my family and friends I say: There were probably many times this year when.......I MAY.......have disturbed you, troubled you, pestered you, irritated you, bugged you or got on your nerves....and so after much thought and contemplation I just wanted to warn you.......SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE!!! Cause there are NO CHANGES planned for 2011. Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Today Rich turned 17, wow the last year flew by. He was just starting to drive one year ago. We had planned our annual birthday party at the Spaghetti Factory tonight, but were derailed by a huge snow storm and decided it wasn't worth the hastle on the bad roads. I had gone to bridge at noon and as we were leaving about four here came the snow storm with a vengeance. I drove home 20 miles an hour and was very happy to turn safely into my drive way. I know the skiers in my family are jumping up and down with joy as every snow flakes falls.......The only good thing about Salt Lake is they have the equipment and salt and get right on the roads after a storm. In a couple of days we will be o.k. Nicci's boy friend Bill was to arrive about 4:30, hope the plane could land. Pam is still sick with her cold, it has been two weeks and she and Karrie just can't shake it. This picture of Rich was taken in October at Tiffany's wedding, he is so handsome and precious to me. Happy Birthday Rich!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


What a wonderful Christmas this was. My whole family gathered around. You never know if the next year everyone can make it home or not, but next year we will worry about that and rejoice in our good fortune this year. A wonderful Christmas party at my house on the 23rd and then Christmas Eve everyone had their own agenda. Pam has her family for dinner and presents, Sherrie and Darren return to Vernal to be at home with their family and I have been going to the Cooks since Sherrie moved to Vernal. They treat me royally and the kids are a lot of fun. We had a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood, watched a couple of short Christmas stories, played a game and had a good dinner. Then off to bed to wait for Santa. Christmas morning great with way to many presents. Got some rubber boots, a new pillow, a coffee pot and filters, a watch, a box of games and some fun stocking stuffers. After breakfast home to rec0operate........which ended in a four hour nap! I ordered a movie for my new "Kindle" and read myself to sleep! Five more days left in this year of 2010, I'm working on my New Year's resolution for 2011.

Friday, December 24, 2010


What a great family party we had last night. While I grew up my family was the center of my universe, now my parents and two of my sisters are gone and the center of my universe revolves around my three daughters, as it should. They each got married and had three children and so my universe has gotten larger...........and more wonderful. Last night for a few hours we gathered around each other sharing love, presents, good food and family. In those few hours there were no problems of war, poverty, sickness or sadness that took priority over our love for each other. Too bad, we can't live our lives in that kind of world, but we all know better. We had a great meal in which everyone contributes. Then on to grandma's program........we have given up on the talent end so now we play games and read stories. My story was on Thankfulness and Gratitude. A true story of 2 missionaries in Ecuador passing out candy one Christmas day. One little boy said no thank you he already had the best gift ever. To the amazement of the missionaries it was a piece of string from his father. They had made a hole in an empty tuna fish can and tied the piece of string and he had been hauling rocks in it. I ask my 9 grandchildren if they would be that excited if all they got for Christmas was a piece of string? They weren't too keen on the idea. I have so much to be thankful for this Holiday. I do wish I could gather everyone up and make their worlds better.
Tonight I am off for Christmas Eve at the cooks. Dinner and games and then get up to see what Santa brought and I always have a stocking full of goodies! All I can say is Thank You God for a great holiday.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Yep, it's almost here.......Santa's sleigh is loaded and so is grandma's house......My to do list is just about crossed off, One more gift to deliver and then start the cooking.......oh yes, Gigi still hasn't had her bath!
Tomorrow, the day before Christmas Eve we are having our family party. I have decided tomorrow is a gift for me to unwrap and make a fresh start. It is a chance to let go of old hurts, discover new joys and take another step forward toward my beautiful future. It is the perfect time to take time for me! Tomorrow holds, 1,440 minutes. Enough time for me to spend some on me. I bought a new book at Costco "Three Cups of Tea", everyone keeps recommending it. I want to finish knitting a prayer shawl, do some Suduko, and maybe sleep in a little. Call my sister and maybe a few other dear friends. It is so nice to be ready to enjoy this wonderful time of year. Ran by Lavern's today, she was crying and having a bad day, Chet died 10 days ago. Then on to my friend Pat Noall, she was happy and looking forward to her three little granddaughters driving in from Las Vegas for Christmas. I guess we all have our crosses to bear and I am very lucky this year. I think I am about to arrive at the time of being "The Woman I Was Meant To Be!"

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Did you know Charles Dickens began writing "A Christmas Carol" in October 1843 and completed it six weeks later, in December of the same year.
Few families in Victorian England owned an oven. Like the Cachet's they would bring their goose or turkey to the local baker who would cook it for a small fee. Bob Crochets would have paid seven shillings for the goose, 5 for the pudding and three shillings for the onions, oranges and sage, (In 1800 a shilling was worth about forty cents), today the cost of these items would be about $58.00. In Crotchet's day about $6.00. I guess when we start complaining how bad we have things we need to stop and think, at least we all have our own ovens to cook in......which is our tradition for the holidays. Today I went shopping for my Christmas dinner, yes it was a bit over the $58.00 dollars of by gone years but that is life. We will be having dinner and celebrating the 23rd, so the Christensons can be back home for Christmas Eve. Every one should be in their own homes or with family for Christmas. It snowed all morning, but cleared this afternoon. This morning I set the tables and this afternoon went grocery shopping. One more stop to Costco tomorrow to get the turkey and a couple of odds and ends. I have a few gifts to deliver to friends and then I will be ready for the Jolly Old Man and Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010


My Christmas to do list is slowly getting smaller. It is snowing again today, but that is good so we will have a White Christmas. I have the presents all wrapped and am working on the house cleaning. I have decided to leave a few cobwebs because I love the Legend of the Christmas Spider: An old European Christmas legend tells of a poor woman unable to provide the traditional decorations for the special holiday. A spider made his home in her tree and began to spin beautiful webs. On Christmas morning, the first light of sun struck the cobwebs, turning them to silver. When the woman awoke, she found the tree was covered with silver treasure. The spider had brought good fortune! So I figure keeping a few spiders in the corners won't hurt. Will go shopping for food tomorrow and set the tables. Then get a few gifts delivered to friends and that should about do it.........My cute granddaughter Nicci will be home today for the holidays, that will complete our family. The Cooks and Panniers have had a week or so of illness, hope they are on the home stretch of conquering those germs.
Well, four nights until Santa comes!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


This is the whole family taken at Tiffany's wedding......I am the matriarch of this bunch.......Yes! Christmas is five days away and we will all gather around my Christmas tree to celebrate.
The tradition of the Christmas Tree says: because a Christmas tree stays green all through the year, the evergreen tree is symbolic of the eternal life offered to Christians through faith in Christ. The treetop points heavenward. A star signifies the special star which guided the wise men to Bethlehem. Lights represent Christ, the "Light of the World." Gifts beneath the tree are representative of God's gift of His only begotten Son, who brings Hope, Love, Joy and Peace. I guess we just accept all of this without really knowing why: Now you know!
It was great having my second grandson and his friend spend the night with me. A fun visit this morning before he left. Then a favorite nephew Mike and his son came by this afternoon with a Christmas gift.......a book and a gift certificate for some movies, two of my favorite things. If only everyone could feel the love I do from the people in the picture plus my extended family, there would be no lonely, unhappy people alone this Christmas Holiday........My heart is full of gratitude today.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Counting the Days and almost the hours.....

This time of year is so exciting! As I grow older I value each Christmas I can add to my life's cycle.
Of course, my family has many traditions that we cling to and hope we are passing on to the grandchildren who will continue them for our great-grandchildren. We have Santa's Red chair we each take a turn sitting on and receiving a present from the Santa sack and tell what we wish for in the New Year. We play the "Thankful Game" picking an unmarked sack and being thankful for whatever we receive no matter how bad we hate it........
I like to remind everyone with an appropriate story what Christmas is really all about........not just good food and presents. I am excited because everyone will be to the Christmas celebration in fact we are adding a new family member this year. Tiffany married Scott in October. Nicci will be home from graduate school, but we never know when that will end and the boys are now nearing the age of LDS Missions, that would be two years away. We have given up having Santa arrive and the wild pinata in the garage. The kids are out growing a few of our favorite things! I hope everyone always remembers how fun Christmas at Grandma's house was............We are a strong family that will always be flexible and take advantage of all the good in our lives.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Getting It All Done.....

My to do list is long this Monday........Been wrapping presents, then off to get my nails done. Still have a couple of items to look for. Have to stop and get desert to take to our little domino group's lunch tomorrow. I am sorry I will miss Dulsey Evans funeral, but you can only do so much. Having great weather about 52 degrees today, sweater weather. Karrie and Pam have both had sick people to fun. I do have the house decorated. I have to wrap the neighbors and friends gifts and deliver them. Make name decorations for my Christmas table, Write a Christmas letter for a few out of town friends, not sending many cards this year. Make red pepper sauce for a few special friends and deliver my cousins present across town. Fill my "thankful sacks".......a Christmas evening game. The list just goes on and on and on! I have 10 days, so better keep at it! Leslie called, Richard Northcott in trouble again, drugs I think! My sister's heart would break if she were alive. Annie needed a Christmas sweater for a program tomorrow, thank goodness grandma had a couple she could choose from, I love that little girl. Today was a good day. I hate days when all you can say is "Ah, I see the screw-up fairy was here again!" I'll keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Two weeks from tonight is Christmas Eve.......I can't believe how fast it is descending upon us. I know, I have had a whole year to get ready for it and I am still stressing about it. Finally today I think I have the house ready and the outside lighting.......I still have shopping and wrapping to do. Maybe tomorrow. I zipped off for lunch and shopping a couple of hours at the Quilted Bear, which is a fun craft boutique, with Pam. I was just going to look, but I bought an angel that when you opened her skirt you see the Nativity scene, by Jim Shore. His works are so wonderful,........really Pam made me do it! I am trying to learn to live in the moment. Pain can come from living in the past or future. I can't let the hurts in the past control my years in the future. I can't think of bad health, loneliness or poverty and let them ruin this moment! Living in the moment creates a state of peace even when the moment is a stressful time. If you are mad or sad or fearful, that's O.K. This happens to all of us. Just don't get stuck in it! To be in the moment with your emotions is important because you can move through them more easily........don't get stuck in denial. Living in the moment is a core element of being ageless. I am sad about Lavern Leonard's husband dieing Saturday. For Dulsey dieing this week, for Ann in the hospital and also Elaine in the hospital. Live in the moment, you never know when your turn will come. Today was a great day, I talked to all three of my girls!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010



Don't know why but couldn't get a picture to come up on this blog......As you can see my week was full of bad news........and some good news. While I was out of town for a week, I found out my good friend Ann was in the hospital for five day, they couldn't find anything wrong. My friend Elaine was in the hospital for three weeks because of blood clots and an old friend's husband died Saturday, Chet Leonard was a friend for many years, at least the last 40. He has a darling wife Lavern that will miss him over the Holidays. I was also sad about Elizabeth Edward's death and yesterday was 40 years since Pearl Harbor was bombed......I was 8 years old and my folks were very upset. In my life time several really bad things have happened.
The bombing of Pearl Harbor and our terrible retaliation of the atomic bomb and the planes flying into the twin towers and the consequences that have followed. Why do people do these things to each other????? I finally got the Christmas trees up today and a start on my Christmas Decorations, yet, I have so much to do before the Holidays. My next two weeks will be busy.......


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Yea, I finally got this temperamental thing to bring up my blog, I can't get email but by going to favorites I could pull up my blog........explain that to me. I need my blog to record the great time I am having in my life. As reported I had a great Thanksgiving, then off to baby sit in Vernal for 8 days. The farm was fun with my three darling grandsons, Alex, Brayden and Kennedy. Then another family drove out to bring me home. Pam, Rob, Tiff and Scott which just added to fun and good feelings you get when you are surrounded by the people you love and those who love you. At home in Salt Lake my third daughter was taking in the mail, feeding the fish and keeping an eye on my house.......more love shown. I am the luckiest mother in the world. When I got home Sunday I unpacked and showered and zipped off to the Cheese Cake Factory for dinner for my oldest grandson, William, who turned 20. My blessings just keep growing. Yesterday was Mammogram test day and the wonderful grandchildren Richard and Annie popped over after school to bring up my Christmas trees, haul out some decorations and help me set up some lites in the front yard. Now today I will get serious about Christmas. Clean house, decorate the house and maybe start wrapping Christmas gifts, thank goodness I am almost through with the shopping, just a few fun things left to do. The top picture on the left is me with Pam, Sherrie and Karrie. On the left is the Pannier family at Tiff's wedding........they are the ones who drove to Vernal for me and William, whose birthday we just celebrated is in the picture. (Added for those who read this a 100 years from now and wonders who the people in the pictures are.)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Living it up on Tailwind Ranch........

It's great to look out any window here and see some horses, or cows or chickens at the neighbors. The weather is clear and nice, but icy cold out side. I love to watch the horses from inside my nice warm house, they don't seem to mind the cold weather. This is certainly different than the ranch I lived on when I was young. Sherrrie has six bathrooms, we had an outhouse with two holes..........We went down to the spring for our water, Sherrie has two big sinks and lots of hot water. We had no power or instant heat and we would have died for a big hot tub.......All of this is included at ranches now days I guess. The family is busy starting at 6:30 every morning. The two big boys have chores before school. They take turns building a fire in the BIG blue barn and feeding the horses. At night it's the same story. The little one empties the dishwashers and takes out the garbage and is in charge of food and water for the three dogs. He is sharing his room with me and in the morning I get up to let my dog out and when I come back he has made my side of the there is no going back to bed in this house. My main job is to get the boys off to school and feed them so I have been catching up on my knitting and reading and blogging a little. Nice vacation.