Monday, September 27, 2010


"A slave is one who waits for someone else to come and free him..."
Can you imagine your life without change? Without change, you would have nothing to hope for, plan for, or look forward to. You would never grow or learn anything new. Change is the creative energy of our lives....the source of all learning and growing. It would be nice to have the change fairy just tap you and all would be well, but it isn't always that easy. When we put ourselves into new situations or our environment changers around us, we have to respond in new ways. We have to change, and when we change, we learn something new about our capabilities and limitations. Change challenges our view of the inspires and surprises us. Because change is an inevitable part of life, the real question is: how much direction will you give your changes? Will you be a passenger of your changes or will you take the drivers seat and direct them? We have the power to be a director of change in our life.
There are many kinds of risks in life........emotional, intellectual and physical. The important ones are those that help you grow and express your values.
"Man is troubled not by events themselves, but by the views he takes of them."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Becoming A "formally".....

On this beautiful Sunday in September I know that my life is good. Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections. You know the art of Wabi-Sabi.
I love this thought: we all have an inner editor. The doubting, self-critical voice that we all inherited around puberty as an unfortunate door prize for surviving childhood. The Inner Editor is a busy-body and perfectionist, happiest when it is tsk-tsking our short comings and weaving our past blunders into a rich tapestry of personal failure!. I love the presupposition "There is no such thing as failure......only feedback."
It's hard to admit we are all becoming "Formallies".....You know, formally hot, athletic, young, wild, free, happy, joyful, ambitious, pretty, thin, and full of energy. But, at my age I have nothing to prove to anyone. We are who we are, how we are and where we are from the choices we've made. Formally I was all the things listed above but that was in my teens, 20's, 30's, 40's, but after that it started changing. It was slow and kinda creeps up on you, but I look around at the friends my age and I can definitely say they have become "Formallies" also. No good, not bad, just the way life is! It seems to me we grow neither better nor worse as we get old, but more like ourselves...........

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Clock Keeps ticking......

What in the world is better than grand-children? On the left is a picture of me and six of my nine grand-children all dressed up on Mother's day at the Willow Creek Country Club. On the right are six of my grand-children at a birthday party at my pool this summer. My brightest days are spent with one or more of my nine grand-children. Last night I went to the Home Coming Foot-ball game at Brighton High to watch Richard play foot ball. Brighton won and Rich played some. Today I spent a couple of hours watching Scottie play little league foot ball and it was grandparents day. It was a beautiful sun shinny day and last night was a great fall night to watch a game. A couple of years ago it was my oldest grandson William that played football as we sat out under the stars and enjoyed the games. Today he is a Sophomore at the University of Utah. They do grow up! And isn't that what you want them to do? But, I have a selfish wish that these good times could just go on and on and on.........I do know they won't so I'm really enjoying that the children love me and want me around. Some grandmothers aren't so lucky. Two weeks from today, Tiffany will be getting married, that's what we raised her to do, but are you ever ready for all the changes? Alex graduates from high school this year, Richie next year, yesterday they were babies. Why did I buy a highchair at a garage sale today????

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm A Sucker For Flowers.........

Well, I did it again........let someone set up a blind date for me. But surprise, he was really a nice guy, especially when he showed up with yellow carnations just for a coffee date. Like my grandmother always told me, you never get a second chance to make a first impression and I believe that! My granddaughter's sorority sister that came to a couple of Christmas parties at my house had met this man at a puppy training class. He asked if she knew any nice ladies, not to young, not to old and she thought of me. She asked Tiff about it and in a weak moment I said "why not?" Gerald called later that night and I thought what the heck, nothing to drastic can go wrong if we meet for coffee. We had a very enjoyable two hour chat, him finding out I hate to cook and me finding out he was learning to cook AND can foods and was really enjoying it. Both born in Colorado, liked dogs and each had three children. It certainly turned out better than my last date before him when I swore off men. That date took me across the street to Taco Bell, ordered three tacos for a dollar and two lemon aids and had to write a check for $3.32 cents AND he ate two of the three tacos and didn't even offer me a bite. That was one of the times my Grandmother was talking about.......You never get a second chance to make a first impression, because for that guy there was no second chance. My thoughts were, "Suck it up Cupcake......I'll can buy my own tacos."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bridge, bridge, bridge......

I love all the girls in my two bridge clubs and look forward to seeing everyone once a month. But I hate it when it is at my house as it means clean, clean, clean. How embarrassing for someone to see a cobweb, or a corner that doesn't get dusted regularly. So you spend a week with a to do list a mile long of long forgotten corners to clean up. It is a good feeling when it is all done and you have a nice clean house for awhile. I use to be able to whip through the house, set a great table and plan a fun treat or luncheon without batting an eye, but now days it is a big project. Got to find all the nice dishes and silver, bring up the tables and chairs and get the shopping done. I'm so tired by the time bridge arrives I can hardly enjoy it. Last night I had the night bridge club at my house.......and survived. Today it was one of the other girls turn for day bridge which makes you know how hard she had worked getting ready for a fun lunch. There are three of us in both groups, Jane Laver, Pat Noall and I. The night girls are Marge Plant, Bev Taft, Bonnie Lyngle, Barbara Lusty and Micky Lymm when she is in town other wise Peggy Dean fills in. The daytime club has Bettie Barlow, or sister-in-law Joan, Florence Bertnole, Mae Taylor, and Gloria Morrison. I have a confession, I don't think playing bridge is a high priority with either group, just a good excuse to get together!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Times Flying

Well, it seems like yesterday that I got the notice ..... "To Save The Date"! This morning my sweet roommate informed me 19 more days till the wedding. Where has the time gone? Yes, I have been here as the days rolled by, finding the right dress and shoes, picking out the brides maids clothes, getting them fitted. The place for the affair, the food, the decorations, flowers, cake, agreeing on the invitations was....... big, then came the guest list....big! Once the invitations were mailed, the hair due decided and I even got to go to my nieces to witness the taking of the pictures in the wedding gown. She was so beautiful and is so happy and ready to become Mrs Scott Hortin. This was when I realized, yes, this is real. So now I needed to decide what I was going to wear, you know nice grandma stuff. Well, Karrie helped me find a dress, then the next thing shoes. They really don't make to many dresses "grandma" shoes, but I did find a pair that will be nice. Saturday her aunts Karrie and Sherrie and I had a shower for her in Karrie's backyard which was so pretty on the golf course. Yesterday her Pannier relatives had a bar-b-q dinner shower for couples and tonight her parent's friends are having a shower. Scott's family had a shower a couple of weeks ago. Things have so changed since I got married 54 years ago, even my last daughter just celebrated her 19th wedding anniversary and I don't remember all this 19 years ago. I dare to think what the next dozen years will bring. Anyway it has been so much fun with her living with me I have been on the front row to watch it all.....19 days will pass in a blink of the eye. Congratulations Tiff and I'm excited for you.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nineteen Years and counting.............

Yesterday was the Cook's nineteenth wedding anniversary...........Look what 19 years can bring you! They are now a family of five, plus two very BIG dogs......and a turtle. They are a darling family and so very busy. Richard Benjamin is 16 now and driving. Just got a green pick-up truck that is his pride and joy. Rich loves football and La Cross. He has a job at Firehouse subs. Andrea is15 and just got her drivers permit. She golfs, dances and is smart and beautiful. Then there is the baby Scottie who will be nine in a month,he is really going on 14 or 15! This is Scott's first year at football and his dad is the coach. Richard's first love is golf, but that doesn't put food on the table. Karrie has been/is the family chauffeur, 3 very busy children seem to keep her on the go. The church also takes up some time. They have a big house and lawn and Karrie is chief gardener. I wish them many more years of a happy, busy life. Nineteen years ago today, I was packing for Morocco, Africa and happy to have the last of my three daughters happily married. Time certainly does fly.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Coffee Time

We think of our monthly meetings as coffee meetings, when they are really therapy sessions. This is Patty and Ruth, long time friends, who knew me in my other life (BD.....Before divorce.)We were neighbors, our kids grew up together and we knew each other in better times. None of us live in the old neighborhood anymore. I left first, after my divorce, Patty left next when they lost their house and Ruth was the last one to move. But thank goodness, our friendship has endured and we are still there for each other. There are very few secrets between us and we can just let it all hang out and listen to the problems that keep arising in any person's life. Our kids are all grown, but have taken different roads in life. Patti's family is very dysfunctional and are running her ragged, on top of that she has a 96 year old mother that is very demanding she tends. Ruth's health has been bad as has her husbands. Her girls have done great, but the boys have caused her some heart aches. Thank you ladies for always being there for me for listening and not judging and letting me know that what happens at coffees stay at coffees.................. and I hope we have many more years of therapy/coffee meetings.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Older than I have ever been!

I swear I woke up this morning realizing I am older than have ever been! I went right out and hugged a tree.....what else can you do? This poor 'ole tree in the back yard listens to my frustrations and suffers my's better if you are barefooted as you can just feel the strength of the earth radiating up from the center to the earth that holds that tree straight and tall.....Everyone needs a hugging tree they can trust! Some days I get so busy I don't know if I found a rope or lost my horse!
This weekend I tended Scott and Richie and we had a great time. We went to breakfast at IHOP.....I only stayed one night, but Marley and I fought over the bed to see who was alfa dog. I swear he is the biggest, stubbornest dog I have ever tended.... I did not want him on the bed, but Scottie promised to keep him on his side, well......the next thing I knew he wanted to snuggle me. I did not want to be snuggled, I grabbed his collar which came off and so I grabbed his two front legs and started pulling, of course, this was about two in the morning, and Marley dug in.....Finally I got his off the bed, put him out in the hall and tied the door shut.
Tending kids is a snap, it's the animals they own that are giving Grammy the head ache!
In less than a month Tiffany will be married and moved out, I think this is harder on me than when the twins got married and moved out and and made me an "empty Nester!" I love this number one granddaughter more than anyone can know. She never leaves in the morning without telling me she loves me and has taken very good care of me for the five and a half years we have been roommates! I will miss you Tiff......

Older than I have ever been!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Book.......

I decided long ago that the greatest accomplishment in my life would be to write a book. My cousin and I discussed this often and she wrote a cook book, then my sister wrote a novel and got it published and then one of my daughters wrote a fun novel last year! "The Power of a Penny"... Soooo, I felt I could bring forth the book I wrote and did the art for, with the help of ideas from a good friend and we came up with "OUR "
book......And if the title sells the book we have a hit! "Where To Buy The Best Margaritas in Mexico, By Two Little Old Ladies From Utah!" The two of us have traveled extensively in Mexico over the past many years. Acapulco, Cabo San Lucas, Cancun, Ensenada, Guadalajara, Isla Mujeres, Ixtapa, La Paz, Mazatlan, Mexico City, Taxco, Cuernava, Oaxaca, Huatulco, Puerto Vallarta, Copper Canyon and Puerto Panasco, Puerto Vaiarta and Cozumel. To some of our favorite places many times. I became a valent student of Spanish and can enjoy a limited conversation in Spanish. I love to write and I also enjoy cartooning and hope to start doing more of both. Another book? Well, I do have a children's book in the fire and even if it never gets published, I can leave my message to my grandchildren. I have learned sometimes we need to stretch a little to accomplish our dreams, you just have to find your yellow brick road and follow it to your dreams!
Another week is winding down and one month from today my sweet Tiffany will be getting married, I will so miss her! I will be tending Karrie's two boys this weekend, they are off to Las Vegas. Lucky them.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Be a Bridge Builder

'We are all on the journey into the sunset of our life." (R. Regan)
Concentrate on building bridges, not burning them. Some of us are further down this road of life than others, but we are all on the same path, every person in every country of the world and no one can escape this road as there is no other one to take. Therefore, we should all try to help each other along the way, in kindness, love, peace and cooperation. It can be a lonely road if we don't try to work in peace. No, the road isn't always smooth. The road may be bumpy sometimes. There are hills and valleys, storms and darkness to go through, but the end for all of us is the same...."DEATH." Let us all be road builders and bridge builders.......We must be bridge builders in life, this will make the road better for ourselves and all others regardless of color, nationality, religion, or political party. It is just as easy to get along as to not get along.....find the center of the road. When I am asked "What do you do?" I like to say "Oh, I'm a bridge builder!" As we go down the same path into the sunset of our lives, reach out and help someone. Face it, each day that the big yellow ball sinks over the horizon, we are all a day closer to our destiny. we have choices. Let's make the choice to stay on the path and continue building those bridges till the clock stops for us.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day......summer ending.

Seems yesterday the family was getting together to celebrate Mother's Day and we had the whole summer ahead of us. You can see from the mountains in the back ground we still had the winter's snow........Now summer has come and gone and it is almost time to start snowing up there again. This is part of our family at the Willow Creek Country Club on Mother's Day.........bottom is Scottie, Annie, Richie, Kar, Richard, Betty, Pam, Rob, Will, Tiff, and Scott. We love being together and miss the Christensons who have another life in Vernal. The summer went way to fast and Labor Day.......which is today......signifies the end of summer. It was very cool this morning, definitely the feel of Fall in the air. Pam and Rob will be home from West Yellowstone tonight and pick up Charles.....Sher called and they were on their way home to Vernal from the cabin, Tiff spent the weekend with Scott, so has been pretty quiet at my house. I went to the Cooks for dinner yesterday and took in a movie today. The have Tiff's wedding in a little more than a month and then guess what??? It will be Christmas..............groannnnn!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend is here.......

Don't we all love the weekends and especially when they are three days long. Now think about this.........In just two days from now, tomorrow will be yesterday and the last fun weekend of summer will be history.
The Christensons are going to their cabin, the Panniers went to West Yellow Stone to fish.......I'm tending Charles. The Cooks can't leave because of football games. Saw Richie play yesterday and he did great. Tomorrow I will watch Scottie do his stuff, as he tries to please his coach.......(his father!) They are both good little athletes and Grammy is very proud of them. Had an ultra sound today, got a rock chip in my window fixed, transplanted a lot of flowers from Karrie's back yard and picked up the dog to tend for the weekend. Tiff is spending the weekend at Scott's to help work on the kitchen remodel. My days of having a room-mate get shorter and shorter. Beautiful day, will hit a few garage sales in the morning before the ball game and maybe do a movie this weekend. I have had my share of taking off on three day weekends, but home and the pool aren't bad either. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Each New Day

"God puts each fresh morning , each new chance of life, into our hands as a gift to see what we will do with it."
This is where I use my Wabi-Sabi..........
Did you ever get up in the morning and say...."Today only comes once a I'm really going to enjoy it!" No, it doesn't have to be your birthday or Christmas. Today is the first day of September and it won't come again until 2011. So I decided to really enjoy it. I made out the invitations for Tiffany's Wedding Shower, the 18th at Karries. I mailed them, washed my car, went to Costco and hunted a place to fix a chip in my car's luck so will look again tomorrow. Darren stopped by and we had a nice visit and Karrie came over with the invitations so I could get them out. It was a beautiful Fall day and I enjoyed being out in it.
I never really thought about it, each day we live only comes once a year. If we are lucky enough to wake up each morning and have 24 hours to live and breath and eat and live in a wonderful free country. I feel soon we will be living in a Socialist country if Obama has his way.
This is a good time to use my Wabi-Sabi. You can always find something good, even on your worst day.......hey, your alive! My dear friend, Shirlee called and said in the adds today is a coupon for buy one get another free of the same value at, if that isn't good news I don't know what is. We go to movies regularly and out to eat afterwards, now we can get 2 for 1 twice!!!! We both have a coupon.......Good friends are the greatest! I am taking pictures of my jewelry and writing up where they came from and who gave them to me and about how much they might be worth. Then I print them off and put them in a folder for the children to refer to when I DIE. I am going to do that with all my belongings, also noting if someone has already ask for it. I hope it helps and they don't fight and end up hating each other like most families do over a lot of stuff they DON'T REALLY care about! If they do, it will only set an example for their children when they die. Labor Day weekend in a few days....Have a good day, I did.