Thursday, November 4, 2021


I know these last couple of years have been I think I know why......they have become my WONDER YEARS!  I also wonder why a lot.....why all these bad things keep happening to the people I love in my family.....why the country is going to pot......why getting old changes so many things in your life?
Here we are the 4th day of a new month already.....and I have not written since Halloween night.  It was a fairly quiet evening...a day early with about 15 kids....didn't even turn on the lights Sunday night......which wa Halloween.  Monday was house cleaning day.....don't get much done that day each month.....but love having them....THANK YOU KARRIE.
Tuesday....Patty came for our weekly therapy session?....did some laundry and washed my hair.......
Wednesday....Karrie , Scottie and Richie and I......went to lunch and to get a new phone switched to the Cook family since the Christensons have parted ways......but one of them had to be there to make it happen....and they weren' later.
Today Pam took me to see the Lawyer and pick up my WILL he was redoing for me....updating it......we had lunch and then stoppd to check on my cemitary plot at Wasatch Lawn....guess if Don dies first Tony could try and plant him there.....but I would have to sign....and I won't....any way Don wanted to be buried in Huntsville with his parents where there are 8 plots available...but knowing Tony there will be a fight....
Tomorrow....Friday....and another week gone by.....PAM off to St George to stay with some friends and Karrie is in New York.....busy family.  Just me and Bree again!
We "fall back" Saturday and change our clocks an hour....such a pain.


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