Saturday, November 6, 2021


Each day of your life is a step forward.....into your future......enjoy each step.  As you watch your friends....and family.....move forward with good families....successful careers and buusinesses....while you feel  like your own life feels like a piece of luggage left behind on an airport conveyor belt......going round and round.....waiting to be picked up for its next aventure.....I have finally figured out our life's purpose is not a one-stop is worked out along the way.....The journey itself is the most essential part.....because that is where the endless choices exist that lead us to where we are going and the story we're going to tell with our lives....and nothing is permanet....
Sherrie finally called....been a week!  She and Alex been busy setting up a new office for the apartments.....Darren really being an ass hole to her and the kids....I know I won't live long enough to see how or what happens to him and his millions...but God has a way of being sure "what goes round....comes round"...and he will die a sick lonely old man some day!
Starting to get my Christmas stuff organized.....through shopping.


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