Sunday, November 28, 2021

DAY BY DAY.......

As I look back over this year.....we added another baby and a half.....but it has been a very unproductive year for me.....I keep fighting off arthritis...but it is wearing me down.....Seems a lot of hurt and heart ache in the family and neighborhood....cancer...divorce....bad health for many......and then there is Biden and the country going to pot! We are having strange weather for November......cold but no snow.....2 more days and December is upon us......As usual a very quiet Sunday.....Pam and Sherrie did call me......Pam said they got snow and it was cold.....Sher had had lunch with Libby and Olivia......
Patty came over caught up on our lives....she does not feel good either..... I got my Christmas wrapped and I am ready for the big day almost......need a couple more gifts and I will be done.


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