Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Well.....I made the extra effort needed.....and packed my bag and spent the weekend in St. George with Pam.....and so glad I did....we had a great time.  Left Thursday after noon...so got there in time for a movie and bed.....Friday and Saturday were go go go....no nap time for me.  Friday we shopped  T J Maxx....had lunch....appointment at Verison to get my new phone transfered over and then off to a movie.....home to let Bree out and eat some dinner.....and two movies.....Saturday....a lazy morning and then off to one of my favorite places...the CRACKER BARREL for brunch and shopping....found a cute cape I could not live wthout....then off to Mesquite to hit their giganic liquer store so Pam could get her holiday supply and then off to gamble a  couple of hours.......the poker nickel slot is all I can handle.....and then I had to keep asking the person next to me......"what do I do now".....?Trying to keep up with my computer.....learn a new phone.....AND learn to gamble on a slot bout wore me out.....old people do not catch on to fast.....no I didn't win!!!!.... We grabbed a pizza for dinner and watched a movie...and I had  nice chat with Mike Mendosa......We had a nice ride home Sunday....and I took a nap!


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