Sunday, November 28, 2021


Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday......I would gladly settle for a McDonalds Happy Meal with extra fry sauce....but for so many they insist on turkey.....I went to the Golden Correll with my neighbors and her do they eat! was packed but very reasonable....Pam and Bree flew back to spend 10 days with Rob in Detroit.....and the twins were in St I was alone.  Mike called to be sure I wasn't alone...such a sweet guy.  The day before Darren came by with a humungus poensetta....I was furious because he had been such AH the week before over my phone transfer....and just expected to buy his way back in....I didn't give it to him....and was sorry.......I tried to give the plant to all the neighbors......but no one wants it.....they know his history .......Took the turkeys down and plan to put up the tree this week....and the holidays are upon us.......


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