Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Another week end looms close....Pam invited me to go to St. George with her for the weekend....she has the Pannier House this week and she and Bree were just going to get away....I really would like to...but every  thing is such an effort when you hurt.....I could see Leslie on Saturday....do some shopping and enjoy the sun!!! so may try and push foreward.....
Rained all day so spent the day on the heating pad....not looking forward to winter snow..I love this little prayer....
Patty came over yesterday for our therapy session......Scottie and I went to Chilies last night for dinner....and had such a good talk...I am so happy he is cancer free....the last 8 months have been hell for him......and his parents.  We both agree....THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON......JUST BELIEVE!
Got my Christmas shopping done.....now to get it wrapped! 


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