Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Well......last week was full of angry people....three days in a row we went to Verison to get my phone tranferred from the Christenson's family account....Darren requested it.....to the Cook's....but Darren was needed to make it happen.....but he was a real AH and it took three days with Karrie and Richie working on it and costing a lot of money we were stuck buying some one elses phone...thanks Darren. The fourth day I had to run into Verison to have them show me how to turn off the flash light....uggh! and then Friday to transfer the old phone into the new....who would of thought getting your phone changed would be such a problem....
Then my sweet neighbor was told she had stomach cancer....only a few days later to find after her mamogram she has breast cancer....2 different cancers at the same time.....she is devastated.  Talked to another good friend this morning and one of her sons is in the hospital and they aren't sure why.....Everyone you talk to has some cross to bare.  Would love some good news now and then......Well Leslie said she would be up Saturday and take me to lunch.Yea.....good news!


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