Friday, November 19, 2021


We had an early Thanksgiving on Wedneday.......
Sherrie set up a little dinner at my house with Bray and Libby as she is off to St Thomas with the Cooks for the holiday.....she had a dinner with Alex and Ashlyn before she left Vernal.....Ken and I set the table for five.....soon Sher called and said Pam,,,,Scottie....and his girl friend Holly wanted to Ken and I set three more places at the table......When Sher arrived with the food from the Cheese Cake Factory.....she informs us the Cook's decided to come and would pick up their own our little dinner had grown to we unset the table .....put in another leaf.....set the table again.....and Yea a fun group for Thanksgiving.....if I had of known I was having a big party I WOULD HAVE PUT ON SOME EAR RINGS....and dressed up!  But,,,,it turned out to be such a fun evening.....Sherrie, Scottie, Ken and Anna were catching the 11:00 red eye for St. Thomas....I have no idea what I am doing on Turkey day...Pam is off to Detroit to be with Rob.


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