Monday, February 10, 2020


Today is a new day.......God has given me this day to do what I want with it......I can waste it...or I can use it well!....But, what I do with this day is important....because I am exchanging a  day of my life for it!....Tomorrow ...this day will be gone forever......leaving in it's place  what I traded it for......    I want it to be a WIN not a LOSS......GOOD  not EVIL......SUCCESS not a order that I will never regret the price I paid for this day.......
How can this happen?  By doing one small kindness to someone.....or yourself!....and writing it down on your someone....write someone a at someone....compliment someone....hold a door open for someone.....or check on all the things you are grateful for in your own life......Trade lives with anyone you know?.........I don't think so......So as the days of 2020 count down.....make them count.     

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