Monday, February 24, 2020


DEAR MOM......50 YEARS AGO .....YESTERDAY ON FEBRUARY 23rd GOD TOOK YOU HOME TO HIM......50 YEARS LATER I STILL MISS YOU SO MUCH......WHY DO SOME PEOPLE NOT CARE FOR THEIR MOTHER'S? ......They can live 10 minutes from them and for five years act as if they never had a I a failure?   Yes, I still cry tears for a child who abandening her mother....but God knows how much I love her and miss her.....Also....thanks mom for picking out a grandchild to be born on your birthday...... August 16th to send me Brayden....who takes such good care of me at almost 88....if he can't get me .......texts a neighbor or his mom to see if I am nice to have someone who cares....I also have my sister, neighbors and daughters that take good care of me. No....I am not happy about getting old and needy...but thankful for so many wonderful people in my life. Happy Birthday Mother

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