Wednesday, February 5, 2020


You just have to do it by day.....BE HAPPY!
I am so happy Trumph was found not guilty today.....the only traitor was "SALT LAKES'S MITT ROMNEY".....what a disgrace for Utah........His career is over here.;;;Trumph said...."Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack!".....YES!
I have thought a lot about my life and  in many others......."Grief....I've leaned is really just is all the love you want to give.....but cannot,,,,,,all of that unspent love gathers on the corners of your eyes....the lump in your throat and in the hollow part of your chest.....Grief is just love with no place to go....."  If you could just cry and wash all the grief and sadness away and be done with great would that would be?.....But for some reason the hurt just goes on forever.  ....that is the one black cloud in my otherwise controlled life.........The grief for losing a child can be so deep.......if only physically.....not by death.

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