Monday, February 10, 2020


IT'S FREE.....Kindness costs us nothing and is what makes the world go 'round........I know a kind smile....a act of kindness.....can make my day.  Something so helping the guy in Burlington buy a shirt and and a jacket the other day.....made me so happy.  He was struggling with should his tie match his soxs or his shirt...were his shoes the right color etc......Yes, he was an elderly man..... All so simple for me and made his day!
A little kindness to them  a greater feelings of confidence to face challenges as a result of this preceived kindness.  It seems feeling valued and respected cultivates feelings of happiness and self-efficacy......
I love this quote by Lao Tzu that says....."If you are depressed, you are living in the past; If you are are living in the future......If you are at are living in the present".......So choose to live in peace.......... living in the present.
Life is not something that happens to us......."life is a participation occupation, and we can all rewrite our stories to shift from disappointment to determination and usher in happiness"......No matter our age.

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