Monday, February 3, 2020


Well.....we really got it last night....not inches....feet!.....We have had a great winter so far....snow in the mountains.....a few skifts in our area melted by noon...but not today.....Some nice man cleared my drive way for me.....Lib and Bray will be happy about that as they left in a blizzard early....early this morninig......Lib to school and bray up at Park City by 4;30 to blow up some avalances dangers before the daily crowd arrives about 7;00......It has snowed all day.....I am so glad I did not have to go anywhere today.   As I look out my window at the back yard I see the trees are full of little birds......hopeing someone will put some food out.....I will tomorrow.,,,too cold tonight,
I know it is winter.....and winter in Utah means cold and snow and ice.....but I am never ready for it at my age......

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