Friday, February 14, 2020

THANK YOU.......

Day by day we take for granite.....our lives will go on forever.......but we never really know when we have used up all our almost 88  ......I know I am counting mine,,,but thanks to my wonderful family and neighbors......God keeps granting me a few more.......and  I am loving very minute of every one.....Today was Mexican Train day with 3  fun people....and we celebrated Valentine's day in style.....eating...lying....cheating our way through a fun afternoon..... Each morning I thank my wonderful family and neighbors for making my life the "greatest"...I know Leslie is off to California for the weekend to a "baseball ball" tournament for her not for me.....Pam took me to lunch for Valentine's Day on Wednesday.....I knew Bray and Lib were going to Vernal for the weekend as it is her father's birthday and Alex's birthday ....soon after..... and Bray was so sweet.....SHER AND DAR in town to celebrate Valentine dinner with friends and a message before a night in the hotel...when your kids are hsppy are too.  I am so worried about grandpa bud....we are all fighting cancer one way or another......three months with no chemo or maybe a year if we do go through chemo....not a fun decision!!!!!

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