Sunday, February 16, 2020


I never thoought of fish and chips in this degree....but now i have a new receipe for my neighbors on April Fools Day.......sorta like my Banana Bread receipe.....something I can handle!!!!!
I even think this looks good....So hope you like....."FISH AND CHIPS"!
It is a cold and rainy Sunday......really dreary......went to church...came home and ate some soup Sherrie made me and took a nap......what else is there to do on a rainy cold Sunday?  I really don't feel too good....think it might be my cancer pill side effects......ache...eyes bothering me etc.....guess I need to call my doctor and ask her about it,,,,I have been on this new pill a month and thought It was the one.....Exemestane.....I was on Annastrozole and had to quite that one.....We are crushed about Bud and what he has to go through......His cancer diagnoise is....three months if you don't do anything and maybe a year if you go through chemothrapy.....he is going for the three months......we are all sad.....cancer has been a curse on our family.
My roommates went to Vernal for the weekend and should be home shortly....Brayden has to work tomorrow....but Libby has school off for President day!

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