Tuesday, February 25, 2020


There comes a time when you.....".are only you'.....either from divorce, death of a mate or all the children flown the nest and have a life of their own.....which you work all your life for....but are never ready for that day.....I have found the answer to this is ...... TO LIKE YOURSELF....... which allows you not to depend on anyone......Alone  can be a scary word....that is no fun for anyone....but happens to most sometime in their life.....Thanks to wonderful grandchildren.....many of my years have been shared with a grandchild.  Tiff for five and a half years....kennedy for three years....and now Brayden till Libby can get through school.......
I guess this is God's plan as I see it happening to many of my dear friends.  Pam mentioned DON had a heart attack......but I guess I am not in the loop as no one called to tell me and Brayden just called to see if  I'd heard from his folks....and well what do you do when ....well anyway call little sister.....my go to......for comfort.

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