Monday, February 3, 2020


I am so in tune with this lady......'it is what it is'........A  clean toilet is an every day thing......THE a once a year deal.    I stayed up with the kids and watched the game till half time so I could see Jo Lo do her thing.....which I was not impressed by.....and found out this morning who won......did not have a favorite!
The Christensons were in town for a friends Bishop appointment and came by for dinner with us....So fun when they pop in .....with part of dinner.....left early to get home before the big forecast snow word from Sher today so far.....but know they made it.....I am worried about Bray and Lib getting home tonight as it is still snowing.......schools closed today because of the weather.......December and January spoiled us.....But winter is winter in Utah.....I have a quiet month so I am making Ken a my closet.....and a nap or two.....

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