Monday, July 8, 2019


All I can say tonight is....THANK YOU GOD FOR FRIENDS.....
After my divorce.....33 years ago.....I wrote a poem about real friends.....those who really care and are always there for you....I ended it this way.....
".Oh, thank you God for friends"
                             Now each in his own way reaches out to you,
                             How could I think my friends were so few......
                             I know in my heart at the Rainbow's end....
                             I won't find a pot of gold.....but you my friend.
Today my sweet friend Gay called.....the Bug Man was here.....and I was at lunch with Pam.....So she paid him to do mine and let him in my garage to spray......Yes, a good neighbor.
Tonight door....brought over a new furnace filter and and changed my furnace filter for me.....Yes, a good neighbor.
Tomorrow Suzanne arrange for my windows to be washed as I am playing bridge Wednesday and not home to let her in and pay her.....Yes another good neighbor.....
How did I luck out with such friends as neighbors? My heart is so full of gratitude for so many blessings....Sher stayed last night with me and Pam and I had lunched and shopped todaay......Best ever...

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