Saturday, July 20, 2019


Be careful what you wish for????....I Wanted summer....I got summer!
Mike picked me up at ten this morning and we headed for Provo...a stop at his office...... so got to see where he works....then to the Hale Theater to watch 'THE MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET"...four fun guys mocking Elvis.....Johnny Cash.....Jerry Lee Lewis.....and Carl Perkins...who made the record.... See You Later Aligator.etc. famous.......Loved it as the music was from my generation....then a quick lunch....I love Mike and we have good talks.
From 3;30 on this fire alarm pipped!!!!So no sleep....So far today no help to fix the problem so will have to hunt the ear plugs or stay up all night!  Neighbors ladder too short for Mike to reach....Bray....who can fix anything........ is in  Vernal for the weekend......may end up calling the fire department as it is in the highest part of my ceiling........Still have a sore tooth and a dential appointment Tuesday.......

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