Saturday, July 6, 2019


This little ditty says it better than I can....Yes, when your life comes to a scretching halt..... you eihter get better or bitter......."I PICKED MYSELF UP....BRUSHED MYSELF OFF.....AND STARTED ALL OVER AGAIN"......I am not the only person in this world who has done this...I know many.....
Like two people are exacly alike.....We have different abilities, interests, strengths, and weaknesses, desires, backgrounds,opportunitites, passions and points of views......(My best friend Patty is far, far left and hates Mormons)....but we share so much more......None of these differences threatens who we are........We do not need to be like everyone else any more than leaves or snowflakes or grains of sand need to be the same.......We are all human beings....with bodies, minds, emotions and spirits......We each follow our own path....full filling our own purpose in life.......
Been a very quiet 4th weekend......I cleaned closets.....shopped a little....and oh yes, had a few naps......Church tomorrow?.....Only tomorrow will tell.......

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