Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Last month their was much ado about "D DAY" and the wonderful men and women who fought that war.  They had several short things on THE CHANNEL ISLANDS OF JERSEY AND GUERNSEY.
I have been lucky enough to have vacationed on those two beautiful little islands.
Ann and I flew to NYC and spent a couple of days then boarded he "Q E 2" to sail for Southhampton England....took 5 days......and on our travel agent discount we were down in steerage with the cars and help.......it really was a boring cruise.  When we got to England we took the train to the coast then caught a ferry to Jersey...... and on to Guernsey.....We stayed in nice bed and breakfasts and took daily tours of the islands and saw all the cement bunkers ......tunnels....and gun places that the Germans left when captured.  They had really dug in but that was the only part of England they controlled. If you want a nice quiet vacation.....with nice people and interesting scenery.....visit the Channel Islands.  
The train ride and the Ferry ride was alot more fun than the QE2 boat ride.

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