Monday, July 29, 2019


Never a dull moment with the Christenson's.......They were down in Lake Powell for the 24th and picture......jumped out of a pickup and shaddered her they made a mad dash up to SLC to a vet....but being Saturday late nothing could be done until we are waiting to hear how Macy is?  Ken stayed with Brayden one night and is with me for a couple until Sherrie comes for Macy tomorrow.  Brayden and Libby came for dinner after church and we played Mexican Train,,,,,,fun having my old roommate back for a night or catch up on some chores for me....a trip to Walmart....took a load to the DI and had lunch at Kentucky Fried Chicken.....
Alex and Ashlyn celebrated their first anniversary at the cabin Saturday....a year really has passed fast.  The Panniers went up to Idaho and Pam plans to go back alone next week for a few days....they are getting it ready to "rent out"....The HOA there is a mess! So my sweet family keeps life interesting around here.
Leslie talked to Jim.....he is still having to have two antibiatic shots a day.....we worry about our little brother.

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