Monday, July 29, 2019


HAPPINESS to me is having wonderful friends......All through high school I had a best friend named Janet Brown.....we were inseperatable.....when I flew my roommate was Jeanne Peck....we did so many fun things together.....through my married years I have had many really good friends and neighbors that were always there for me......and today in my old age I don't know what I would do without my darling needless to say......I am Happy!
I don't want my tombstone to read......"Here lies Betty, who was going to be happy tomorrow"... One of the greatest obstacles to happiness is what they call ...."the tyranny of when"......We have all said a a time or two...."I'll be happy when I have more money.....a bigger house......a nicer car or lose 20 pounds?"  Yes, material possessions are not bad...but they won't ever lead to anything more than a short-term , superficial form of positive emotion......not real happiness. Real authenic happiness will only ever come from optimistic thoughts and meaningful and posistive having my grandson Ken here for a couple of days of shopping and eating out and sharing...Yes, i am happy...

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